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Luis Saffie

Luis Saffie is a technologist with passion for building motivated teams and high impact products (more...)

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My notes and principles

Turning the Flywheel

Turning the Flywheel Notes

Title: Turning the Flywheel. A monograph to Acoompany Good to Great Author: Jim Collins


  1. The big thing is never any specif line of businss of product or idea or invention
    1. The big thing is your underlying flywheel architecture
  2. If you get your fly wheel right, it can guide and drive momentum
  3. Doesn’t mean mindlessly repeating what you;ve done before, it means evolving, expanding, extending
  4. steps to capturing flywheel
    1. create a list of significant replicable success
    2. compile list of failures and diappoinments
    3. compare success and failures and ask - ask: what do these tell us about e possible comipoienents of our FW?
    4. Identify 4-6 componenets sketch a FW. Where does it start?
    5. test it against success and failures
    6. kepp testing and tweak
  5. FW need not to be unique. Two orgs can have the same
    1. what matters is how well you understand it
  6. What truly set big winners apart was their ability to turn initial sucess into sustained FW
  7. reject the tyranny of OR. Liberate yourself and use “AND”
  8. Rarely a FW stalls because it runs out of potential or is fundamentally broken.
    1. More often, momentum stalls due to poor execution or failure to renew or extend within a sound FW
  9. Big successes tended to make big bets after empirically validted. Less successful tended to make big bets before empirically validated
  10. The demise of once great companies stages
    1. Hubris born of success
    2. undisciplined pursuit of more
    3. deniea or risk and peril
    4. Grasping for salvation
    5. capitulation ot irrelevence or death
  11. When companies fall into stage d, they succumb to the doom loop.
  12. Stage 4, each gaps of salvation creatse. a burst of hope and momentary momentum. But if there is no underlying FW, the momentum doesn’t last and with each gaps the enterprise erodes financial, cultural and stakeholder capital. and it weakens